Creativity is contagious. It thus needs to be passed on. In this light, Assiraj High School nominees participated in an amazing spectacle
enhanced by the English Department and referred to as the yearly-enchanting Spelling Bee Contest. With utmost enthusiasm, efficacy,
and zealous eagerness, students from grade 1 till 6 challenged their outstanding and exceptional aptitudes merrily in front of their peers.
They excitedly captured their friends’ interest with their pleasurable response, delicate memory, and bewitching smiles. Just like roses,
they bloomed in a competitively springy way enthused with skillful and miraculous spirits. Laughter was aroused with frivolous applause.
It is simply where learning is fun and challenges are friendlier. Congratulations were lastly presented with six overwhelming stars whose
knowledgeable intellect and sprightful spirits flourished the competition with talent and fruitful endowment. We humbly appreciate your
passionate hearts. “Here alone are the open windows through which pours the sunlight of the glamorous spirit. Here, the place is more full with sparkling minds.”